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Physical Education

Physical Education students will be in this class for the entire year. They will be participating in various activities. Some of the activities may include walking, jogging, circuit training, wallball, hockey, baseball, and basketball just to name a few. 
Dress requirements:
  • Must wear tennis shoes-No Crocs, dudes, sandals, etc.
  • We do not have a locker room, so make sure whatever you wear to school you can participate in the activity for the day.
  • Must have a doctor's note to be removed from an activity for the day or length that the doctor specifies.
  • Bring a water bottle to class--must be an actual water bottle, not a Yeti or water jug
  • If you wear shoes that can not be worn in PE, bring your tennis shoes to change into during class.
 If you have any questions please feel free to email me. My email is [email protected]